Optimizing the Gardening Season

It’s the question we probably hear the most when it comes to flower gardens…”What can I buy that will flower all season long?” While some annuals bloom for a very long time, no plant will bloom from early Spring to late Fall, and no vegetable plant will produce for that duration either. The solution? Succession […]

Hardening Off: Moving Seedlings Outside

Come along on a little journey with me and imagine this… It’s Springtime. The sun shines, and the air finally feels warmer after a long, grey winter. You take a little trip to your favourite garden centre and find that special plant you’ve been reading about and hoping for. Of course, you buy the plant, […]

Holiday Decorating Tips

Christmas gatherings are special, even without any holiday decorations. A certain Cindy Loo Who schooled the Grinch on that! But oh how special a gathering feels when you’re surrounded by festive lights, and some fresh greenery to liven things up. It truly does make a dinner or party more magical.  While there are folks who […]

Favourite Fall Decorating Ideas

As Summer winds down, you may find the plants that have been producing blooms for months are now slowing down, and it’s time to add a touch of fall to your gardens and décor. Wondering where to begin?  We’re looking to nature for inspiration, and sharing our favourite ideas and tips to create your own […]

Growing Hens & Chicks

In this case, the plants Hens and Chicks, not the feathery friends. Sempervivum, also known as Hens and Chicks or Houseleek, are a group of succulents that are becoming very popular in Southern Ontario. Here’s why these cold hardy perennial plants are gaining attention. Low-maintenance Low-maintenance is the item on everyone’s checklist, right? Hens and […]

Caring for Annuals and Perennials

You’ve selected your annual and perennial plants, chosen their location in the garden, amended the soil and everything is planted. Or close to it!  Now what? How can you take care of them to maximize their potential?  A bit of simple and easy maintenance will keep your plants healthy and blooming. Once they start blooming, […]

Long Blooming Annuals and Perennials

Let’s face it, summers are short and when we invest in plants we all want annuals and perennials that are long blooming. Flowers that last the duration of the summer are ideal! To achieve this, there are a few things to consider like: the plants you choose, good soil, and the amount of sun the […]

Holiday Decorating and Gift Solutions

Now that everything in the garden has been put to bed for the winter, our thoughts are on the holidays – decorating, parties, and that seemingly never-ending list of gifts. At Eising Garden Centre we have solutions to help bring joy to your holiday season. Your Gift Giving Problem Solver We know that finding the […]

How to Change the Colour of Your Hydrangeas

Eising Garden Centre hydrangea bush pink purple blue mopheads

Hydrangeas are some of the most beloved flowering shrubs around the world—you only need one look at their big, voluminous flowerheads to see why they’re so easy to love. There are hundreds of hydrangea varieties, each belonging to one of six main types. One type, in particular, known as mophead hydrangeas, is famous for a […]

How To Stake Plants Correctly In The Garden

tomato plant Eising Garden Centre

Knowing how to stake plants properly is a valuable skill for any gardener, especially when you’re growing vegetables. Some grow pretty tall and need a little extra help to stay off the ground so their fruits won’t sit in a pile in the dirt and get funky. It can get pretty windy here as well, […]